What's This? Another Group Coaching? Mastermind Program?
No. It's 1000x Better.

Imagine that you’ve been carefully hand selected into a group comprised of 6-8 amazing people, all of whom are driven to grow their business dramatically in one year. So far so good. No big egos as far as you can see. Nobody talking about hustle and grind. All in all, you’re getting a solid sense that it’s a group that’s come together to challenge, support and get smarter about what each other is doing to further their businesses.
People are meeting consistently and opening up to reveal the pebbles, rocks, boulders and mountains in their path. There are “hot seats” with suggestions and total accountability to follow through on those suggestions from session to session.
How did Mark do with his LinkedIn profile based on our ideas for him from last time? How did Donna do in developing her webinar after our feedback? Will Bill deliver a stronger Talking Logo elevator speech thanks to our recent suggestions?
The comforting nudge you need to push your business forward with momentum is here. As a rising tide lifts all boats, when one person in the group does well, everybody does well.
Still, you might be wondering:
“What’s the difference between this group and other group coaching / Mastermind groups?”
Here you go:
The Exceptional Tribe is the only live group coaching of its kind to show you how to build a true small business marketing system, step by step, that enables you to gather your own Exceptional Tribe of influence.
For 40 weeks a year, you will have access to live coaching as we draw upon the materials, worksheets and principles of the remarkable, proven Duct Tape Marketing System that has inspired phenomenal growth in small business owners just like you over the last 25 years. Leading the way for you will be Certified Duct Tape Marketing Master Consultant and CEO of Caliber Brand Strategy + Content Marketing, Dan Gershenson.
In addition to being able to implement the system you’ve always needed for your small business, you’ll receive the tailor-made guidance that your fellow group members will give you on the specific challenges you’re facing in the short-term and long-term.
As an ELITE member of the Exceptional Tribe, you’ll have the ability to take any course you want for 50% off the regular investment.
Finally, since Group Coaching is part of our ELITE Membership program, you’ll have access to a full community of support too. That’s because our ELITE program comes with a FREE membership to The Exceptional Tribe, regularly $99 a month.
Exceptional Tribe Team
You’re here because you have big, ongoing challenges in at least one of the areas of Marketing, Business Development or Operations. Good news: We’ve selected an amazing team of experts to help you address those through our community, coaching or courses.

Dan Gershenson

Business Development
Magda Fox

Business Development
Antonio Guerrero

David Spitulnik

Client Services
Lee Eisenstaedt